Jules Martinez Hirst is an Etiquette expert and co-author of the book, "Power of Civility.”
Ms. Hirst offers Modern Manners classes and is dedicated to providing students and employees with tips and techniques to handle proper etiquette in today's highly competitive, global marketplace.
Jules brings her passion for etiquette to every client. Whether working with college students ready to join the workforce, employees already in the workforce or upper management, she empowers everyone with the ability to be their best self and represent their organization successfully.
Covering everything from networking to a formal business dinner, Julies equips her clients with the etiquette skills needed to make a positive and lasting impression.
Tips to help you Ace your first impression
When trying to land the job of your dreams or seal the big deal, impressions count. Making that impression a positive one is where business etiquette plays a major role. As business evolves, client interaction can occur many different ways. From the high tech forms of an e-mail or a video conference to the old fashioned telephone call or boardroom meeting, you will be instructed on the proper way to present yourself.
Course can be presented on and offline, contact Jules today to customize an etiquette course that is right for your organization.
From the classroom to the boardroom
In today’s demanding and competitive job market, having a degree is only the first step to a successful career. Research done at Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation and Stanford research center have all concluded that “85% of job success comes from having well-developed soft skills and people skills - only 15% from technical skills and knowledge.” These soft skills are not generally a part of a post-secondary education curriculum. Etiquette Consulting, Inc. provides you with the knowledge you need to master these skills.
It's Not Lunch... It's Business!
In the world of business, it is common to conduct interviews and/or meetings in a professional dining setting. The way you present yourself can either make or break the deal. Empower yourself with the confidence to land the “perfect deals over meals.”
Course can be presented on and offline, contact Jules today to customize an etiquette course that is right for your organization.
Modern Day Charm School
Manners are a lost art in today’s society because children are spending more and more time in front of their televisions and their computers and losing out on social interaction. What these teens do not know is that good manners are a skill that can provide an advantage in the business world as well as in their daily life.
Dining & Social Etiquette Family Style
You want your children to have great dining manners and social skills, but as parents our children learn from us, are your manners up to par? In this workshop we begin with the parents. We will focus on the principles for teaching their children to use proper etiquette in all social situations. Then we bring in the family and continue with basic social and dining etiquette.
Modern Day Manners Online
Have you found yourself with extra time on your hands? Now is the perfect time to brush up on your etiquette. An Etiquette Consulting Inc, we believe etiquette is not about being perfect, but having confidence in any situation.
Social Skills - Leadership - Confidence are the 3 pillars to success!
Where does your business need more support? We offer a broad range of services and packages that be customized to your needs. Send us a message today, and we can start you on a path to success.
Etiquette Consulting Inc
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10 Things to Remember at the Dinner Table:
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